Pastor’s Column
December 5, 2024
My dear church family,
During the Open Sanctuary on Tuesday a family from Small Size Big Mind was resting on the front steps of the church. As we visited, I asked the mom if she and her two boys would like to come inside to see the Christmas tree. The sun had already set making it dark in the sanctuary except for the lights of the tree and the star of Bethlehem which Damon had hung on the organ pipes. His mom and I followed as the older boy, about 4 years old, was drawn to the tree. His silhouette became smaller and smaller as he approached the tall tree. It was a magical sight!
This Sunday we will light the candle of Peace. We will journey to Jerusalem, the home of the temple, to explore the life of the priest, Zechariah and his wife, Elisabeth. In their long years of waiting and hoping for the birth of a child, did their faith in God give them peace? Our hopes for peace in Israel were sparked when a cease-fire was brokered last week. This week, however, we are saddened by the news that Israeli strikes have been issued after Hezbollah accused Israel of violating the agreement.[i] We ask, will there ever be peace in the world?
On Tuesday, the older child who had come into the sanctuary with his mother, asked about the star. I explained that it represented Bethlehem, a small town in Israel. The mom eagerly explained that she is Jewish, a first generation Israeli American. She has traveled with her children to Israel where her parents and extended family all live, outside Tel Aviv. My thoughts jumped to the terror that her family must be enduring since the October 7th, 2023 attack. I wondered, but did not ask, how she was willing to take her children into such a situation. Surely the hope for peace must be on this mom’s mind daily. I hope that during future Open Sanctuaries, we might meet again and get to know each other. My prayer for her family is safety, and a deep faith in the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
As we worship Christ this Advent, please invite family members and neighbors to join us on our continued journey of peace, joy and love as we travel to:
Jerusalem: A Place of Waiting
Nazareth: A Place of Simplicity
Bethlehem: A Place of Humility
The Manger: A Place of Care
Persia: A Place of Return
Awaiting Christ’s peace on earth,
Pastor Cindy