Angel Tree Gifts
Please return your Angel Tree gifts this Sunday. The gifts should be new, valued at $20-$25, wrapped, and returned with the tag attached. Pastor will invite you to place them under the Christmas tree in the sanctuary during the offering. The gifts will be delivered on 12/21/24.
Thank you for your many years of participation!
Lorene Eggett, Mission Committee member
All Church Christmas Activities
Friday, December 2024
6:00 PM Christmas Caroling
6:30 PM Art Show
7:00 PM Christmas Dinner
Prepare for a wonderful time of food and fellowship at the All Church Christmas Dinner after Christmas Caroling on Friday, December 6th.
The Deacons will provide the entrée which will be prepared by Share Pizza! If you are able, please sign up to bring an appetizer, a side dish, or a dessert. Or indicate your willingness to set-up or take down.
Scouts Thanksgiving Feast
Everyone is invited to the Scout Thanksgiving Feast Saturday,
November 23 at 3:00 PM.
Seating will be available both inside and in the courtyard.
Reservations required by Wednesday, 11/19.
To reserve, please use the Google Sheet at:
2024 Thanksgiving Feast Sign-up Sheet for Church
Scroll down for the heading "First Presbyterian Church and Other Guests" to indicate how many will attend.
To reserve by phone: call the church office at (510) 522-1477
We have so much to be thankful for. I hope you'll join us.
Thank you,
Rak Bhalla, Scoutmaster
Peace & Global Witness
Special Offering
The Presbyterian Mission Agency advocates for peace and justice in cultures of violence, including our own, through collaborative projects of education and Christian witness, funded through this special offering.
In addition, 25% of the money collected will stay here at FPCA to use for our own peacemaking efforts.
Please look for the flyers and offering envelopes in the pews. Indicate “Peace and Global Witness” on your checks and donations. Thank you.
Mission Committee
Alameda Lunch Elve
The Mission Committee invites you to volunteer with the Alameda Lunch Elves! After the worship service this Sunday, August 4, stop by the Florence Helland Fellowship Hall to help pack 20 lunches for the Village of Love Drop-In Center.
If you are able to bring any of the following items, please give Angie Klein a call (510) 205-2594 or just bring them on Sunday.
Sandwich meat. Sliced cheese. Packets of mustard/mayo.
Chips/snack-bars/extra proteins & carbs; fruit/veg; water/juice boxes or shelf-stable milk.
Anything else you would like to offer! An added treat can be special! We try to serve intentionally healthy food as an extension of love and care.
Village of Love is a safe, warm, supportive place on Alameda Point. It has a limited number of overnight accommodations for unhoused individuals and families, as well as a fenced area for safe overnight parking for those living in vehicles. The Daytime Drop-in Center provides lunch and services to those needing housing.
Thank you for working together to help our unhoused neighbors in this way!
Mission Committee
Worship in the Park
Sunday, August 11 10:00 AM - 12:00 Noon
Come to historic Lincoln Park to enjoy outdoor singing,
praying and preaching followed by a delicious BBQ and picnic lunch.
Please bring a side, dessert, or chips, if possible.
The Fellowship Committee will have a sign-up sheet at Fellowship Time after worship this Sunday.
All are welcome.
Please note:
There will be no 10:00 AM worship service in the sanctuary on August 11.
Adult Christian Education
Sunday Seminars
11:30 AM Sunday, August 4
Our friend, Stephanie Cardenas, is a Jewish Christian who will be presenting on the Jewish Festivals and their significance for Christians.
Questions? Talk to Michael at (510) 982-9310
Game Night Returns
Saturday, July 20 at 6:00 PM
Fellowship, food, and lots of fun board games will take place in the Parlor on Saturday, 7/20.
Invite friends and neighbors. All are welcome!
Please RSVP to the church office or Barbara Curtis so we can plan the Taco Bar.
See you there!
Membership Committee
William Schiltz Darling
July 22, 1925 - May 6, 2024
William Schiltz Darling Memorial Service
Saturday, June 1, 2024 at 2:00 PM
FPCA Sanctuary
Reception following in Florence Helland Fellowship Hall
Bill’s daughter, Melanie has also invited the congregation
to attend a celebration of Bill’s life and military tribute:
Elks Club
Saturday, July 20th
The time is still to be determined.
Troop 2 and 7 Annual Pancake
Breakfast Fundraiser
You’re Invited
Annual Pancake Breakfast
First Pres Courtyard and Helland Hall
Sunday, March 10th
8:00 am - 12:00 noon
Tickets: Adult $15, Child (under 10) $12
Our Scouts will happily and joyfully serve you (All-you-can-eat) pancakes, eggs, sausages, and so much more.
Please contact Sharon Burke to purchase your tickets.
All proceeds benefit the Troop in replacing troop gear and providing scholarships to scouts for adventure activities.
There will be indoor and outdoor seating.
Game Night this Saturday
March 2 at 6:00 pm
Come have a fun evening of church fellowship, starting with salad and delicious pizza from SharePizza. There will be games and puzzles for all ages. Invite your neighbors, bring your children and grandchildren. Sharon Burke will lead us in Bunco, a fast and fun group game, with prizes from Cost Plus for the winning team! Free for all!
Fundraiders for Refugee &
Immigrant Resettlement
Wishing for a way to help the people displaced by war, violence and poverty? Buy a meal at Tomatina on Monday February 12. Simply mention when you order that it’s for the “Dine & Donate” fundraiser for Welcome the Stranger and they will give 15%!!
“Welcome the Stranger” is the “mother” organization to “Never Alone in Alameda.” Robin, Rose and Barbara Curtis have volunteered with “Welcome the Stranger.” Please talk with them to learn of the impactful work that is done for immigrants and refugees right here in Alameda.
Angel Tree
Mission Committee is putting out the Angel Tree on Sunday December 3. Angel Tree program supports prisoners in giving their children gifts. We have 20 children needing gifts, so come pick an Angel tag, buy the gift they are hoping for and return it wrapped by 12/10/23. We will deliver the gifts on 12/16/23.
Thank you for participating.
Mission Committee
Christmas Caroling 6:00 PM
All Church Christmas Dinner 7:00 PM
Saturday, December 9
Main dish and
Potluck side dishes
Sponsored by the Deacons
LN4 Prosthetic Hand Presentation
This Sunday, November 19
Thank you to Michael Mendonca, Founder of the LN4 non-profit organization, as he preached with me on 11/19. After the Fellowship Time, Michael and his wife, Janet, will be presenting more about the LN4 project and hosting a Q & A in the parlor.
LN4 provides a simple yet highly functional prosthetic hand, free of charge, to people in developing countries who have lost a hand in landmine explosions, work accidents or other ways. Come hear this inspiring story of how God has guided the success of LN4. Pastor Cindy
Scout Thanksgiving Feast
Saturday, Nov 18th 2023 at 3 PM
Thank you,
Rak Bhalla and Mark Hovermale for Troops 2 and 7
Love School Halloween Parade
Tuesday, October 31, 8:45 AM
Bring friends and neighbors to arrive early Tuesday morning to sit on the church steps and encourage the students of Love School as they parade around the block in their Halloween costumes! Smiles and applause are welcome, but no candy.
Let’s show the love to Love School students.
The Mission Committee
October Mission Committee News
This year we have been helping out with the Dine and Connect program put on with other churches. We are hosting and cooking the dinner at our church 3-4 times a year. The next time we will host is October 23rd . A community meal will be served and picked up by those in need at the end of the day. This time we are also collecting and distributing warm clothes (new and gently used) and socks and underwear (new). If you would like to donate items, please place them in the box outside the office by Monday October 23rd at noon.
We are partnering with our neighbor, Love School to develop some ongoing programs and help with their special events so we can help support the school. More details to follow.
We have 4 special collections with the Presbyterian Special Offerings. We just collected for the Peace and Global Witness. The next collection will be during Advent for the Christmas Joy offering.
In December, we will be able to donate gifts to the Angel Tree fund. This program provides Christmas gifts to children from their parents who are incarcerated.
In the winter, we will again help out with the city’s warming shelter which takes place at Christ Episcopal Church, providing meals and volunteering at the site. More details for opportunities to volunteer will be announced.
Members of FPCA founded Meals on Wheels - Alameda and many members have volunteered over the years. Millie Black continued as a volunteer until the last few years of her life.
If you would like a fun way to continue to provide meals for the older members of our community, click here:
Blessing of the Animals
Sunday, October 8 2023
Remembering St. Francis and recognizing the companionship of our pets, we will offer a blessing of the animals this Sunday. Please bring your pet at 10:00 to be blessed during the service, or at 11:00 to be blessed outdoors on the side lawn.
If you feel that your pet would not do well around other animals, you are welcome to email a photo of your pet to Armand Acosta at to include with the slides. Please note in the subject of your email that the photo is for the blessing of the animals. Include your pet’s name and your name. Thanks!
Summer Garden Tidying Party
Saturday, July 29
Do you enjoy working outdoors side by side with nice people and youth? We need you! Represent our church and help us to keep our grounds looking vibrant and healthy. On Saturday July 29th from 9am to noon we will working here with the Scouts and their families. Please come and do some outreach to the community while also getting some productive exercise, for as little or long as you like. We also welcome any snacks to enjoy while working. Coffee will be provided.
Thanks! House and Grounds Committe.
Art Exhibit - July 23, 2023
We are a community of many talents including artists and writers. On Sunday 7/23 during Fellowship Time, we will have a showing of artworks from artists in our congregation. Please plan to attend this presentation of the works of several of our members.
Have something you would like to display?
Please contact Barbara Curtis or Michael Helbush.
Sponsored by the Membership Committee, Elder Barbara Curtis, Chair.
Game Night
July 22, at 6:00 pm
Invite everyone to join in on the fun!
Game Night with Taco dinner and beverages provided. Please invite friends, family, neighbors, and co-workers to come along. Feel free to bring your favorite game or jigsaw puzzle to share.
See you there,
Your Membership Committee Drew, Sharon B., Deb, Angie, Nancy L., Michael H., and Barbara C.
Dine & Connect
July 24, 10:00 am - 4:00 pm
We will be preparing dinner for 100-150 unsheltered Alameda residents for the second time in our First Pres kitchen. This will take place on Monday, 7/24 from 10:00 am to 4:00 PM. Our wonderful volunteer chef, Andrew Thomas, will again create the menu and pick up all the food at the Alameda Food Bank. Volunteers are needed in two shifts: from 10:00 am to 12 noon to wash, chop, and prepare the ingredients. Then from 2:00 to 4:00’ish we need more volunteers to serve up, package to-go, and deliver the hot, nutritious meals out the Loading Dock. Please contact Barbara Curtis. Thank you for supporting this worthwhile program.
FPCA Presents
June 24th, 2023
5:00 pm
All are welcome for this family-friendly depiction of the life of Jesus.
Followed by a potluck dinner.
Email Barbara or Armand if you are bringing food!
Project Peace Day of Service
June 24th, 10:00 am
Alameda Point Collaborative Garden
Project Peace East Bay is pleased to welcome you to the Day of Service!
Come serve our East Bay communities together.
Our Day of Service connects East Bay faith-based groups and community members with schools and non-profits. We tackle their needs to help support work in education, homelessness, youth development, and more. We will work side by side with other community members helping out in the garden at Alameda Point Collaborative. More details to follow.
In-line Dance Night
Saturday, June 17 7:00 PM
Dine & Connect - Meals for the Unhoused
Monday, May 22 2023
Sounds of sizzling ground beef and chopping of vegetables could be heard early Monday morning, 5/22, in the church kitchen. Volunteers including our own Bruce Johnson, Mark Cronenwett, Kathy Smith, Sharon Burke, Nancy Hird, Deb Saltzman, and Barbara Curtis worked hard to prepare a nourishing, hot meal for the Dine & Connect program. Village of Love, Building Futures, Midway Shelter, and 36 unsheltered Alameda locals walked or road their bikes to our loading dock to pick up their free dinners. Semifreddis, a local Alameda company, generously donated 20 fresh sourdough loaves of bread. Chef Andrew Thomas of “Drew’s Q “N” Kitchen” gave his culinary skills and time. The smiles on the faces of the hungry guests and the warm, rewarding feeling all of us volunteers felt made the very first Dine & Connect to take place at First Press a smashing success.
Experiencing the Christian Mystical Tradition
May 7, 2023 11:30 AM
Join with Michael Helbush after Fellowship Time on Sunday May 7th in the parlor to learn how such practices as Lectio Divina and the Jesus Prayer can transform your life.
Sponsored by the Education Committee of FPCA, Elder Nancy Hird, Chair.
Merrill Collins, FPCA Pianist
Thursday, April 27 6:30 PM
Saint Joseph Notre Dame High School Gymnasium
The world premier of Merrill’s orchestration for her composition
“Every Man, Woman, and Child,” her musical setting of the
Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Admission is free
“Peace of Mind” Presentation and catered luncheon
Saturday, April 22, 2023
11:30 AM Church Parlor
The Greer Family Mortuary will sponsor a presentation on end-of-life.
A free catered luncheon will follow.
RSVP to Greer at 510-865-3755.
All community members are invited.
Earth Day - Volunteer Opportunity
Sunday, April 23, 2023
Volunteer hours: 1:00 – 3:00 PM
REAP Climate Center Garden near Mariner Square
12:45 - Meet at the church parking lot to carpool
(or meet at REAP, 2133 Tynan Ave.)
Please bring gloves, hat, water bottle and sunscreen.
For more information, call the church office 510- 522-1477
Art Exhibit
We are a community of many talents including artists and writers. On Sunday 4/23 during Fellowship Time, we will have a showing of artworks from artists in our congregation. Please plan to attend this presentation of the works of several of our members.
Have something you would like to display?
Please contact Barbara Curtis or Michael Helbush.
Sponsored by the Membership Committee, Elder Barbara Curtis, Chair.
You are invited to an Easter Egg Hunt!
Easter Sunday, April 9, 2023 11:15 AM
in the Courtyard at
First Presbyterian Church
2001 Santa Clara Avenue, Alameda
Questions? Call 510-522-1477
All children may hunt for eggs! All families welcome.
You are also invited to attend the Sunday worship service:
9:40 AM Special Easter Music
10:00 AM – 11:00 AM Worship Service including:
Children's Message and Godly Play children’s class
Lent 2023
We will journey with Jesus from the hill above Jerusalem to the cross on the hill of Calvary.
We’ll get to know the people who walked with him.
To deepen our understanding of God’s love for us and our response of gratitude and action,
we will also picture ourselves in Jesus’ passion story.
Our Sunday sermons will reference “Entering the Passion of Jesus” by Amy-Jill Levine.
We are thankful to the Worship Design Studio for creating this worship series and the following one-minute trailer:
Warming Shelter Breakfast
Thank you all for your generous food and money offerings for the folks staying at the Warming Shelter at Christ Episcopal. Kathy Smith dropped off twenty bagged "breakfasts-to-go" on Wednesday morning. The food was met with delight, especially when they saw the danish pastries inside!
Our next opportunity is to provide dinner to the Warming Shelter on Friday, March 31. Please contact a member of the Mission Committee if you would like to help.
Perhaps the joy we feel at providing food for those in our community who are hungry is the same feeling that Jesus had when he fed the 5,000!
Mission Committee: Angie, Barbara, Kathy, Kay, Lorene (Chair)
Line-Dancing Success
Saturday night, March 4, forty people gathered in Fellowship Hall for a rousing evening of line dancing. The instructor was lively, the music was energizing, and everyone had the joy of learning something new, while having fun and exercise.
Almost half of the participants were friends and neighbors of people at First Pres who invited them and brought them along. It was a very successful outreach event.
Many, many thanks to all those who planned, organized, and provided food for the evening.
FPCA Among Those Honored for Generosity
The newsletter of the Presbytery of San Francisco has cited FPCA as one of six congregations among the 67 congregations and 10 New Worshiping Communities of our presbytery, as being celebrated by the Presbyterian Mission Agency for participating in the Christmas Joy Offering for at least 20 years!
Covenant Presbyterian Church, San Francisco
First Presbyterian Church, Alameda
Grace Presbyterian Church, Walnut Creek
Montclair Presbyterian Church, Oakland
Old First Presbyterian Church, San Francisco
Presbyterian Church in Chinatown, San Francisco
Congratulations generous donors of First Pres!
Game Night
There was a big turn-out at Game Night 2/11. The young ones enjoyed bouncing balls and running in the gym.
The adults enjoyed board games and conversations.
Everyone loved the pizza, salads and desserts.
We are all looking forward to the next event!
Game Night
Saturday, January 28
5:30 pm to 8:00 pm
All youth in grades 6 to 12 (and friends) are invited!
Parlor and Gym at FPCA
Dinner and a variety of games including board games as well as athletic games will be played!
For information contact: Sharon Burke or Drew Cheney
Photography Show - Damon Rodrigues
Did you love the worship arts that Damon created in the sanctuary for Advent? Come see a show of his photographs, on display through February.
Southshore Apartments Gallery
934 Shorepoint Court
Across from Crown Memorial Beach Parking
Contact Stacey at (510) 409-2155 between 12pm- 5pm
to arrange entrance to the Gallery
Scout Court of Honor
For Eagle Scout Ryan Liu
On Saturday, January 21 Mark Cronenwett and Pastor Cindy participated in the Court of Honor. Drew Cheney ran the sound. Members of the congregation attended.
Chronicles of Narnia
Book Study
Many Libraries have this in the “Juvenile” section and some carry audio versions. If possible, please read or listen to it before the discussion.
No need to RSVP.
Topic: FPCA Book Study "The Chronicles of Narnia"
One tap mobile +16699006833,,81354485882#
Dial by your location: +1 669 900 6833
Meeting ID: 813 5448 5882
Christmas Eve Candlelight Service
Saturday, December 24, 5:45 PM
Angel Tree Gifts
Sunday, December 18
Deliver gifts to 20 children on behalf of their incarcerated parents.
Christmas Caroling
Friday, December 9, 6:00 PM
Meet on the front steps of the church.
All Church Christmas Dinner
Friday, December 9, 7:00 PM
Bring friends and family for a delicious Christmas Dinner in the Fellowship Hall
sponsored by the Wisdom Ministry.
Lighted Yacht Parade
Saturday, December 3, 5:30 PM
Join your church friends for this festive Alameda tradition. Meet at Wind River Parking lot, Building #600. We will watch from the estuary. Dress warmly, bring a thermos of hot cocoa, bring a folding chair or pick a bench for a good view.
Questions? Call Deb at (415)602-5698
Decorate the Sanctuary
Please help decorate the Christmas tree and the sanctuary on:
Saturday November 26, 10AM till done!
Ladder climbers are needed as well as ground workers.
Let’s get this party started!
Private Tim Cheney, USMC, member of FPCA
Honoring Veterans
Sunday, November 6
In 1926, the United States Congress officially recognized the end of World War I and declared that the anniversary of the armistice should be commemorated with prayer and thanksgiving. Since 1938 November 11 has been a legal holiday, set aside to honor all American veterans. If you are a veteran or a current member of the armed services, please wear your uniform or an insignia of your service this Sunday.
Fall Day Clean Up
Saturday, October 22
9AM to 12 noon
Join the scouts and their families
to complete gardening and other projects
inside and out at the church!
Afghan Refugee Family
Members of FPCA were founding members of the “Never Alone in Alameda” committee which provides assistance to a refugee family from Afghanistan. FPCA was mentioned in the April issue of the Catholic Voice, the monthly magazine of the Diocese of Oakland. The article begins on page 15. A mention of First Pres Alameda and a quote from Pastor Cindy is on page 19. Read the article here.