Alameda Scouts
Troops 2 & 7

First Presbyterian Church as sponsored Boy Scout Troops 2 since 1917 (the oldest continuing troop in the City of Alameda) and now is also the charter organization for Troop 7, a troop for girl members. These two troops do all their outdoor adventures together. FPCA provides meeting space, storage space, the generous use of the entire facility for events such as Court of Honor and the annual Pancake Breakfast, all free of charge to the Scouts and their families. The Scouts and their families show their appreciation as they spend four Saturday morning as year helping to maintain the church facility. The troops meet at 7 PM in the Florence Helland Fellowship Hall at the Church

Most recently, FPCA has provided meeting space for the Cub Scout Pack. They meet at 6:00 PM in the Florence Helland Fellowship Hall at Church.